Gardening tips for March for Vashonites

March is the start of the gardening season. It’s a great time to get your garden’s bedding plants planted and ready for spring and summer crops. With the colder weather, it’s an excellent time to be in the garden and enjoy this season before the blazing hot summer days set in. Here are some garden tips for March for Vashonites.

Spring Is the Perfect Time to Plant Edible Plants

There are so many edible plants that can be easily grown in a home garden. You can enjoy fresh fruit or vegetables right off the vine. It’s an exciting way to add adventure to your backyard with a selection of fruits and vegetables you never knew you could grow. These fun and unique edible plants include kiwi, bok choy, basil, rhubarb, asparagus, and artichokes.

Start Your Vegetable Garden

A vegetable garden is a fun and easy way to grow your products without leaving the island. Most vegetables require a lot of space, but some variations will allow you to grow them in containers on your patio or balcony. One such example is the cucumber. Generally, they need a long growing season and warmth to produce fruit. However, you can grow them in an unheated indoor container that allows for continuous growth throughout the year.

Photo 217298159 © Katinka2014 |

Plant Some Bedding Plants

Gardening is a great way to bring the outside in. One way to do that is to add color and interest to your garden by planting bedding plants. These flowers will jazz up your garden and make it stand out from the rest of the neighborhood. Remember that you want plants that will not overwhelm your backyard, so stay away from huge, tall bedding plants this year, as they can be stifling.

Photo 54312053 © Lyudmyla Schloss |

Keep an Eye Out for Bugs

March is the perfect time to look for bugs. This can be helpful if you have a problem with insects in your garden. The wasps coming out will also help keep away some of the other garden pests, like slugs. For slug control, you can try using a barrier of wood chips or river rocks to keep slugs off your plants.

March is a great time to plant some edible plants and bedding plants in Vashon. You can also start planning and preparing for next year’s garden and planting your vegetable seeds for this summer. With so many delicious fruits, vegetables, and flowers to look forward to, it’s a great time to get excited about gardening!

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