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  • Kathy


Vashon Island is different

The quaint and quiet little town is just a short ferry ride from Seattle and offers a unique experience. Make 2023 your year for trying...

Orcas Spotted Along Vashon Island

A Visitors Perspective Vashon is one of the towns in Washington state. If you want to get away from Seattle for a bit, the Island...

Vashon can’t get proper medical care – a newbie’s/outsiders perspective

Difficulties are not alien in the Medical facilities found on Vashon Island. Located in Washington state, the Island is a small community with a population...

Vashon for the Holidays

Winter doesn’t mean that it’s a ghost town on Island; on the contrary, there are many things to do this winter.

Joel McHale is fed up with the USPS on Vashon

The discontinuation of services will happen on narrow roads with limited truck mobility, making a delivery to the areas more dangerous.