Two Pedestrians Reportedly Hit Near Theater

Two pedestrians were reportedly hit by a vehicle near the crosswalk outside the Vashon movie theater this evening (Thursday, January

Island residents related that conditions were dark and rainy. Heavy
intermittent rain today may have contributed to low visibility for
both the pedestrians and drivers.

Vashon island purports to be “walk friendly” according to multiple
sources but this is far from the first instance of pedestrians or
bikers to be injured due to poor visibility.

The condition of the pedestrians is currently unknown. Further details
are scarce. A reminder to all out on our roads, be it via bike, foot,
car, or horse… please use caution.

1 thought on “Two Pedestrians Reportedly Hit Near Theater”

  1. We all need to be more careful in the dark and rain. Pedestrians and bicyclists – ditch the dark clothing for lighter colors, reflective gear, and flashlights. Drivers, pay attention, hang up, use your peripheral vision to notice folks who may foolishly dart out into the road. Horse riders, try not to get caught out riding on the road in the pitch dark, wear reflective clothes. If we all use common sense and pay attention we can reduce the incidence of these accidents.

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