Anna Shomsky

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  • Anna Shomsky

User Comments

... Bennypoera

loli porn

==> <==

... Susi

I had a Toyota Forerunner that I only used seasonally and during 3 months of down time it became the home of a rat family. A litter of little ones were born in the air conditioning system. When I turned it on there were odd noises, the A/C didn’t work properly, and soon an appalling odor made the vehicle not only undriveable, but unapproachable! After a pricey stay at the repair shop, a mechanic showed me the residue of fan-pulverized baby rats on a big plastic A/C housing part he’d removed. It was as horrific as the worst “video nasty” ever. The smell of puréed and baked baby rats persisted for months, like a curse. So def be vigilant re car-camping rats!

... Susan

The alchemy you perform on Rant Chemicals should be written up in some professional journal somewhere. Deep thanks.

... MJ Hartwell

Lordy you make me laugh.

... MJ Hartwell

You’re hilarious.

... Kay

I was going to comment that you have waaaay too much time on your hands to go on & on & on about those sandwich boards…but then you started talking about charcuterie boards…just now got the connection…oh you clever woman you!! lol

... Kirsten Botten

Comedic Gold, as always.

... Christine Manfredi

🤣 🤣 🤣 🦮🐕🐕‍🦺

... Christine Manfredi

Huzzah for island life

... Suzanne Anderson

Before we bought a house here 20+ years ago, we read the crime blotter in The Beachcomber, and one heinous act was an ENTIRE TRAY of cookies had been taken from a window where they were left to cool. That did it for us, we made an offer. This article is sort of like that.