Suzuki Violin Lessons | 15 Minutes
February 3 @ 12:00 am - June 20 @ 12:15 am

Suzuki Violin Lessons
15 Minutes (ages 7 and under): $345
18 weekly lessons, Feb 3-June 20 (skip school breaks) | Contact Gaye to schedule
Instructor: Gaye Detzer
Location: Blue Heron Classroom
The Suzuki approach is based on the philosophy that young children learn music just as they learn to speak their native language – through regular listening, developmentally appropriate instruction and frequent opportunities to play alone and with others. Class includes one group lesson per month. Gaye Detzer has been a Suzuki teacher for almost 40 years. Contact Gaye with questions detzerubicz@icloud.com
For questions or help with registrations, please contact our registrar at belle@vashoncenterforthearts.org or (206) 259-3005.