Intermediate Ballet
February 3 @ 5:15 pm - June 10 @ 6:15 pm

Intermediate Ballet*
Ages 10-13
Mondays and Tuesdays: Feb 3-Jun 10 (skip Feb 17 & 18, Mar 31, Apr 1, May 26) | 5:15-6:15 pm
Tuition: $625
Instructor: Vadne White & Vanesa Wylie
Location: Blue Heron Dance Studios
Intermediate Ballet meets Mondays & Tuesdays, and combines elements of pre-pointe with intermediate combinations, stretches, turns, and jumps. Twice weekly training is the minimum requirement for skill acquisition. Students are invited to perform in our annual Spring Concert, June 6-8. Rehearsals are an additional 75-minute session following the Tuesday class.
*Instructor permission required.
For questions or help with registrations, please contact our registrar at belle@vashoncenterforthearts.org or (206) 259-3005.