M/V Issaquah

Car Deck ADA Shelter: NoMain Cabin Restroom: Yes
Car Deck ADA Restroom: YesElevator: Yes
WiFi Access: No 
ADA Notes: The MV Issaquah has elevator access from the auto deck to the passenger deck. Notify a ticket seller if you are traveling by car and need to park near an elevator. The vessel has accessible restrooms located on both the main passenger deck and the auto deck. The main passenger deck also has vending and newspaper machines. Dining areas have a minimum 32″ clearance, food service counters are 34″ from the floor and tables have specific wheelchair areas.
Class: IssaquahType: Auto/Passenger Ferry
Length: 328′Engines: 2
Beam: 78′ 8″Horsepower: 5,000
Draft: 16′ 6″Speed in Knots: 16
Max Passengers: 1200Propulsion: DIESEL
Max Vehicles: 124Displacement (weight in long tons): 3310
Tall Deck Space: 26City Built: Seattle, WA
Auto Deck Clearance: 15′ 8″Year Built / Re-built: 1979 / 1989
Meaning of Issaquah: “Snake.” Native Americans who traveled around the Issaquah region called it Sqwak because of the squawking sounds of the birds. The natives habitually said “ish” before words, forming the word “isquowh,” which when spelled by settlers became Issaquah.